Dedicated to protecting historic Winthrop Park


Winthrop Park is a historic park located in the heart of Harvard Square in Cambridge, MA.

It was originally the site of Cambridge’s first marketplace in the 1630s, pre-dating even the founding of Harvard University.

The Winthrop Park Trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting this important part of Cambridge history.


Our Mission

The mission of the Winthrop Park Trust is to protect, preserve, and maintain Cambridge’s historic Winthrop Park for the benefit of the entire Cambridge community.

The Winthrop Park Trust works with a variety of groups to keep the park clean and safe for current and future generations to enjoy. The lights seen on the oak tree located at the center of Winthrop Park were installed in part by donations from the Winthrop Park Trust.


A Park for Everyone

Winthrop Park is a beautiful, multi-generational park that adds to the richness and vibrancy of Harvard Square and Cambridge as a whole.

This busy public space is shared and used by families with young children, high school- and college-aged students, the elderly, and citizens of all ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds.

It’s a place where all of these people come to gather under the Park’s beautiful silver maples, sugar maples, and, in Winthrop Park’s center, the giant pin oak.


Winthrop Park is the sort of precious public space lauded by Jane Jacobs and the New Urbanism movement.  

It’s where a diversity of people and uses combine to create a rich, vibrant urban fabric.


Visit Winthrop Park

Located at the intersection of JFK Street and Winthrop Street, in the heart of Harvard Square in Cambridge, MA